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What to study

Croatian higher education institutions offer more than 1800 study programmes in all areas of study with around a 100 hundred study programmes in English.

If you are interested in studying in English, you can check the List of Study Programmes in English according to the level of studies and find the best study programme for you.

You can also consult the list of all of the available study programmes in the Register of Study Programmes, searchable by different parameters.

Higher education in Croatia supports university and professional study programmes (binary system) at different qualification levels (5, 6, 7, and 8) that correspond to the European Qualifications Framework. University studies  cover all three cycles and professional studies cover only the first two cycles).

Croatia has three types of higher education institutions: universities (sveučilišta), polytechnics (veleučilišta) and colleges of applied sciences (visoke škole).

Universities (sveučilišta) in Croatia are higher education institutions that organise and implement university studies in at least two scientific and/or art areas in a large number of fields and interdisciplinary studies. At each university, teaching and research is usually carried out by one of the following constituent units of the university: Faculties (fakulteti); University departments (odjeli); Art academies (umjetničke akademije); University institutes (sveučilišni instituti).

Polytechnics (veleučilišta) and colleges of applied sciences (visoke škole) are institutions that organise and implement professional studies. Polytechnics implement at least three different professional study programmes in at least three fields, while colleges of applied sciences provide specialised professional study programmes in fewer fields.

* Important note: Prospective students should be aware that polytechnics may instead use the term “University of Applied Sciences” as the title of their institution. Similarly, certain colleges of applied sciences may instead use the term “University College” or “School” as the title of their institution. This does not indicate an affiliation with any university.

Sources: Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia; Agency for Science and Higher Education