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Study in Croatia successfully participated in the EAIE Community Exchange 2021

Study in Croatia successfully participated in the EAIE Community Exchange 2021
17 February 2025

The Study in Croatia initiative has successfully participated in the largest European professional forum focused on international higher education - the conference of the European Association for International Education (EAIE).

The EAIE 2021 Community Exchange conference and exhibition was held virtually from 28 September to 01 October 2021 and during those 4 days 12 Croatian higher education institutions were present in Croatia’s National Pavilion organised by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes. As one of the main exhibitors, Croatia participated in the EAIE Community Exchange 2021 in the framework of the Study in Croatia initiative - an initiative that promotes Croatia as an attractive study destination for international students.

In line with the Croatian government priorities for the higher education (HE) sector such as raising HE attainment rates, employability of students, building a more inclusive and internationalised HE system, as well as the institutions’ transition to the digital, the Study in Croatia initiative promoted the HE and research system in Croatia with a special focus on successful participation in the European Universities and Horizon 2020 programmes.

Founded in 1989, the EAIE is a member organization of workers and experts in the field of internationalization of higher education. As a European centre for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalisation of higher education, the EAIE is a platform for sharing expertise, good practice and new ideas in this sector but also for learning, networking and knowledge exchange.